Profile Blog About

Yaroslav Kopotilov, Data Scientist

Remote positions only

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Stack: Python | C++ | SQL | NoSQL | Linux

Machine Learning

sklearn statsmodels lightgbm skopt tpot numpyro pytorch tensorflow langchain

Data Engineering

pandas dask SQL PostgreSQL SQLAlchemy MongoDB AWS-S3 AWS-Athena Spark requests imaplib STOMP

Reproducibility, Deployment & MLOps

docker Git poetry mlflow Ansible pytest pre-commit prefect GitHub-Actions Grafana ELK cloud-VMs

Numerical Computation

numpy scipy numba jax

Data Visualization

jupyter matplotlib plotly dash streamlit flask fastapi HTML asyncio

Industry Knowledge

Team & Management

Language: English | Russian | French

Fun: Data Science meetups | Rock music (vocals & guitar) | TTRPG & LARP

Work Experience

07/2020 - present: Data Scientist, Toptal, Remote
Building AI systems for clients as Toptal's consultant
  • Consulted as a data scientist in trading and other industries
  • Built custom high-quality ETL and Machine Learning systems
  • Delivered data insights in a business-friendly way
  • Organized onsite meetups for remote companies
01/2022 - 06/2024: Founder and Lead Developer, YAFinData, Remote
Building the financial data analytics platform
  • Made data from UK electricity markets reliable and accessible
  • Extracted insights from data using Machine Learning
  • Built monitoring systems to ensure high performance and accuracy
  • Defined the overall development direction of the product
  • Managed a small team of software developers
01/2019 - 07/2020: Data Scientist, Vitol, London
Conquering energy markets with the power of Machine Learning
  • Created market analysis tools and systematic trading strategies
  • Worked with coal, power and crude desks
  • Led data science projects from idea brainstorming to deployment
  • Assisted in the internal python and machine learning training
01/2019 - 06/2020: Model Governance Associate, JPMorgan, London
Challenging pricing models for commodity and FX options
  • Created a custom Extended Kalman Filter to calibrate pricing models
  • Reviewed 10 option pricing models in commodities and credit
  • Mentored junior employees
05/2016 - 10/2016: Algorithmic Trading Intern, Credit Suisse, London
Seeking alpha in commodity and equity markets
02/2015 - 07/2015: Research Intern, Novosibirsk State University
Writing a paper on image classification for a specific type of shapes

Academic Degrees

MSc in Financial Mathematics, Pierre and Marie Curie University
DEA El Karoui: top Financial Mathematics program in France
MSc in Applied Mathematics, Ecole Polytechnique
Cycle d'Ingénieur Polytechnicien: top Engineering program in France
MSc in Mathematics and Computer Science, Novosibirsk State University
BSc in Probability and Statistics, Novosibirsk State University
One of the best universities in Russia for STEM fields

Personal Projects

Stranger News
Real-world news with a supernatural twist powered by LLMs (link)
Forecast Sales Kaggle competition
A surprisingly simple model that won the competition (link)
GPT Telegram bot (team effort)
A bot powered by GPT with cool additional features (link)
Python data wrangling tools
Data pipelines with caching (link) & an efficient XML parser (link)
Interactive website
This very website powered by Flask + Dash (link)
Data Science in examples
Notebooks to tackle various ML and numerical problems (link)
Popular classification algorithms
A comparison study using data from Titanic Kaggle competition (link)